We Need Your Support ...
There have been great documentaries made about Hurricane Katrina, but in the 14 years since, there has yet to be a definitive narrative film about the subject. Many saw the devastation of Katrina in the news: the breakdown of government, devastated citizens doing what they could to survive. Yet, the media’s portrayal of African-Americans elicited fear, not sympathy; ignorance, not care. A black man was ”looting,” while a white man was “finding bread.”
Stories of everyday heroes of color, like John, never became a part of the conversation, let alone the big screen. Yet, these stories that are desperately needed to empower communities, especially those of color and our youth. The magnitude of John’s full story goes beyond fiction and projects a microcosm of important global messages. The themes of humanity, racial reconciliation, valor, and self-sacrifice make this story so powerful and gives it universal social relevance.
While Hurricane Katrina activated the soldier in Keller, it also left him with another layer of PTSD that no label of hero can ever truly erase. It was a sacrifice he had to take and one he doesn’t regret, as he followed the military code of conduct to save the people trapped at the American Can, and to leave no man behind.
This is a story of the unbreakable human spirit. A story that must be seen to be believed. A story that will ignite hope and unite hearts. A story of a real African-American hero. This is The American Can.
As the Writer and Producer, John and countless survivors entrusted me to tell this story. Each looked me in the eye and said, “I thought I was going to die. So whatever you do, please get this right!” And for 17 years, I’ve ensured the authenticity of John as an African American hero, vowing that he would not be reduced to a stereotypical dehumanization of race or gender. As an African-American women, once a homeless teenager, I know too well the meaning of honoring one's word and having integrity.
As an independent filmmaker, being passionately committed comes with a financial overhead that I've been responsible for all these year... and I need your support. It will indeed take a village to accomplish bringing John's story and this film to reality. But I know together, we will make history.
I greatly appreciate your consideration in making a tax deductible contribution as well as you personally sharing this story with other individuals or organizations who would be moved to support.
If you have any questions, would like more project details or to schedule a meeting with myself and John Keller in consideration of your contribution, please don't hesitate to contact us directly. Until then...
Upwards and Onwards,
Adetoro Makinde
Writer, Director, Producer